Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Making Changes

I am hoping to try and make my blog more active here in the next month or two. I am hoping to share at least 4 times a week what the kids have been up too. I am looking to showcase some of the educational things that we do as a family, as well as some of the fun things we do together. I would love feedback as I work on this goal.
I have really enjoyed reading other SAHM blogs since having my first child. I love to get inspiration and exciting ideas from other moms. I would love to encourage others in that way! Really excited to see where this takes me and document some of the activities with the kids.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Catch up

So, once again, it has been forever since the last time I have written. My computer broke again, and for the final time. Jeremy had to get me a new computer (and it is pink). But anyway, you are not here to hear about my computer....lets talk the boys. :)

Clayton is such a big boy. The last time I wrote I told you about Clayton's constant ear infections. While Jeremy was out of town on work, they performed emergency ear surgery to put tubes in. They wanted to get the tubes in before he got another ear infection, but he ended up having another ear infection by the time they got the tubes in, 3 days later. It was extremely stressful and I was super blessed that both my mom and Jeremy's mom helped out that day! Since getting his tubes put in he is a completely different child. He is so happy and sweet. Before the tubes, to be honest, he was a miserable baby. Always in pain and crying. What a difference it has made!

He is now crawling all over the place and has been since he got his tubes put in. He loves to follow his brother around the house and try and get into whatever Bentley is getting into. he pulls himself up to standing and cruises around the house. he loves to bang and drop toys. He likes to babble but is a little behind on saying dada and mama and they feel that is due to his previous ear infections and the fact that he couldn't hear as well with the infections. He is also sleep trained through the night. He is still nursing, however, we are working on weaning him so that I can enjoy the summer time. He is amazing to watch and he loves hims brother so much!

Bentley is such an amazing little boy. He just turned 2 years old. He is so smart, and funny, and strong willed. I def. have my hands full with him. He is working on potty training and is doing pretty well with it. I am trying to do some tot school with him and teach him. Bentley is going through his terrible two's (which is not that terrible). His biggest tantrums occur because he says he wants something (ex. his pants on), so I put his pants on and he decided he wants his pants of and throws a fit, so I take his pants off and he freaks out that the wants his pants on. This continues till I get frustrated and walk off.

 He is talking non stop these days and I love it. He tells me when he doesn't like something, or he tells me "no way". He likes to talk about Uncle Dust-y. He tells me what he wants to eat, often blueberries. He also likes to ride his bike and jump around the house. He is so full of life and love. He too loves to take care of his brother and loves to be the big brother and tell his little brother "no, no, no" while shaking his finger at him.

I love these boys.

Next post will be about Bentley's second birthday party! :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013


We took Clayton for his six month appointment on Friday, and because Bentley didn't want to feel left out, he got sick. He has been running a fever since Wednesday. Today is Sunday. Not only does he have a fever, he has a runny and bloody nose, and coughing. Sounds pleasant right? The good news is he doesn't have strep and they don't think it is the flu either.

Back to Clayton, our big boy. He is 20 pounds 10 oz. ( Ben is only 24lbs) and is 29 inches long. He is barley fitting in 12 month clothes. The doctor said he looked great and could start table food and juice. He does have an ear infection still, he has had it since before Christmas. They put him on his 3rd round of antibiotics and will re-check his ears in 2 weeks. He also got 4 shots. He has been very grumpy!

This weekend has been spent inside and relaxing. Here is to hoping we get better soon!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Random Thoughts

I am not going to make a New Years Resolution list this year. I feel like in general there is always something I need to work on to be a better person/wife/mommy. Here are some random thoughts I am thinking today:

1. I need to write on my blog more often.
2. I never want to forget when Ben is hungry he says "I eat, I eat".
3. I think we should start a family tradition the first Friday of ever month we should do a movie night. (I haven't ran this by Jeremy). I also understand my children will not sit thought a movie, but even if they only make it 5 mins. I think it would be a nice tradition.
4. There are a lot of things I need to get done around the house but never have time to do them. This must change.
5. Jeremy says we are going to work on sleep training Clayton tonight. We have said this for a long time. We will see if it actually happens.

I am so excited for the amazing year that lies ahead! I can't help but feel blessed. Time to go cuddle up with my boys!