Most importantly let me update you on the baby! I told everyone wrong when I said I had an appointment on Wednesday. My appointment was yesterday (Monday). Jeremy has been amazing being there for me at the doctors appointments, he has a lot going on at work and he manages to make it to everyone of the appointments. He is even scheduling work trips around our appointments! The doctor was pretty quick yesterday. They found the baby's heartbeat...although they did have a little trouble finding it (the baby was hiding). They also took more blood from me. From what I understand I need to get over my fear of needles because this is going to happen a lot. Our next doctor appointment is October 20th and we find out the sex of the baby then! We are going to do a gender reveal party on the 21st. Instead of finding out the sex at the doctors office we are going to have them seal up the results and we will take them somewhere to have a cake made. The icing on the inside of the cake will be either blue or pink, while the outside icing will be white. Then we are having friends and family over for a cookout and we will cut into the cake to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!!! We are so excited and we think this will be a fun and different way to let people know the sex!
As for me I am at the awkward stage where you can tell I am gaining weight but when I wear certain clothes, such as sweatshirts, you can't tell that I am pregnant! I have felt great and seem to be getting little burst of energy. The biggest change this week for me was my hormones. Poor Jeremy! Sometimes I am laughing and the next minute I am crying or mad. I keep getting upset over silly little things (which I realize afterward), but at that moment I seem to feel like it is important. Lets hope that I get over this stage quickly!
As many of you know I finished my teaching degree last year. I have been unable to find a teaching job, with the economy the way it is many school systems are simply rearranging their teachers instead of hiring new ones. I have had very mixed emotions about this since becoming pregnant. I really LOVE teaching but I know that it may be a blessing to not have a full time job with the stress while I am pregnant, especially if I am going to be out for several weeks in March. Instead I am substitute teaching again (which during the winter and spring months you make really good money doing). The problem is during the fall not many teachers are out because they are trying to get the students used to the rules and routines. So during the day I try and keep myself busy by doing house work or running errands and of course playing with our two dogs.
Jeremy and I have so many things going on in our lives and we count our blessings each day. Thank you to those of you that keep coming back to read. :)
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