Monday, January 31, 2011

Showered with Love

What an amazing weekend I had. I have to admit we have the best friends and family around! I was given a baby shower thrown by Kelly Shores, she went out of her way to make this day very special for baby boy and myself. I cannot tell her how much this meant to me! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did. We are so thankful each and every one of you are in our lives and will be such a big part of our baby boy's life. He is going to be one lucky boy! I think I can officially say that we are now ready for baby boy to be here. (okay Jeremy may disagree with this statement a little bit, he will be ready for baby after the Super Bowl on Sunday, GO STEELERS).

The wonderful host, Kelly Shores!

This is my very cute cake that taste better as good as it looks, if you can believe that!!

Kelly Carter and Addi who came from Richmond to the shower (Kelly made my very cute passy corsage)

Fallon and Eli, Fallon was my best friend growing up and I was so excited she was there!

Tiffany, Cari, and I having some girl talk!

Kelly's husband, Adam, made some really delicious food!

A very special gift made by my Aunt Linda. She painted that to match our theme.

Connie made him a bib and an outfit for every holiday!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to everyone who came! We are very blessed!

On Sunday, we took maternity pictures with our wedding photographer (who is also pregnant)! It was so much fun and so nice to chitchat with another pregnant lady. I cant wait to see them. I will post these soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Me Time

So, things have been kinda hectic around here the past several days (when are they not though). Last Wedndesday we got a clear bill of health from the doctor, meaning Jeremy was free to go on his man ski trip with his brother, dad, and friends. This was a very good trip for Jeremy, he got to ski which he LOVES but has not gotten to do this year. However, I do think it is fair to say he may have had too much fun (he came home and didn't look so good and immediately asked for a nap). He also said how much the weekend made him relax and he was able to think about me and the baby and how much he loved us (which is always nice to hear), he was very sweet all afternoon. While he was away on his boy trip I spent some time with my parents and pampering myself. On Saturday I got the best prenatal massage ever (thank you Yvonne), I think the girl thought I was crazy when I said I needed one a day for the next six weeks! Then, I went and got my hair cut to my shoulders. I have not had my hair this short in years and at first I cried but it is growing on me. I also bought my parents and niece, Lauren, dinner from Mac N Bobs (a yummy local restaurant). What a great weekend and to make it even better the Steelers are headed to the Superbowl!

A guy from Jeremy's work made the mantle for our fireplace for our wedding present and Jeremy hung that on Tuesday (I have to say he did have help by Alan from his work who has countless times went above and beyond to help us, THANK YOU!). It is so beautiful and we are so lucky that he was nice enough to do this for us! We will also be getting our granite for the fireplace this week making our fireplace complete! Yay! We also picked out the trim for the kitchen and will be putting that up this weekend.

This weekend is all about the baby! On Saturday my friend Kelly Shores is throwing me a baby shower. I am so excited to see all of my friends and family and share this special experience with them. On Sunday we are getting our maternity pictures taken in our house. I am very excited to get picture of my growing belly and it will be something special for Jeremy and I to remember this journey.

The baby is definitely growing and active. I can distinctly feel his feet in my ribs and the hiccups are really low now (I am hoping this means he is head down). I have had some stronger braxton hicks lately which is just my body's (not so nice) way of getting ready, they have been coming in the middle of the night and waking me up. We have our last childbirth class next week. We are so excited that February is approaching and we have a month until our baby is born.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Really Big News!

JEREMY HAS COMPLETELY FINISHED THE STONE WORK!!!!!!! This makes me happy for several reasons:
1. We have gotten a large portion of our major project done.
2. The mess that was my living/dining room floor is clean, and it actually looks like I have a living/dining room.
3. Jeremy has taken some time to spend with family and friends and watched a movie with me.
4. The dogs are so happy that they can run and play upstairs again!

I am so proud of the hard and incredibly amazing work Jeremy has done. It would not have been possible without his dad/ Alan/ Heff/ Dust/ and Paul who have given their time to help!

This past weekend we went over to Dusty and Danielle's to watch the Steelers game. It wasn't pretty, but it didn't have to be as long as they won. Now this weekend we will def. be tuning in to see if the Steelers will advance to the Superbowl. GO STEELERS!!!

We have so many wonderful things going on this week that I don't know if we will get much accomplished on the house. Tonight we have our childbirth classes, this is our third class, so after tonight we only have two more. Tonight we learn how Jeremy can help me through labor (lets hope he doesn't fall asleep during this one). Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment and will get to hear baby's heartbeat, they say this next appointment is just the normal one but after this next one I will start to go more frequently and they will check to see if the changes are starting to take place for me to go into labor. That means that this baby is getting so close! If everything goes well at the doctors Jeremy will go on a boys weekend with his brothers and dad, while my mom will stay with me and I will get lots of foot rubs, yummy treats, and girly movie nights! Also, this weekend I have scheduled my prenatal massage Jeremy's mom got me (I am so super excited, you can ask Jeremy my favorite thing in the world is massages). I am also going to get several inches cut off my hair this weekend for a more appropriate mommy do.

As I think about this past week I realize that we are so blessed! These next few weeks will continue to be busy ones with getting everything ready for baby boy but filled with excitement and love!

Jeremy placing the last brick!

Final Bar

Final Fireplace

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Making Progress

This weekend Jeremy accomplished finishing the stone on the fireplace. We will go Monday to get the granite people in and Jeremy has to hang them mantle and the fireplace will be finished! I cannot tell you how proud of him I am. He has done an amazing job on this project!

I am also attaching pictures of the nursery with the bedding!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Reality Hits

The first full week of January and reality is starting to hit us that the baby will be here in 8 weeks! Jeremy has taken some time off from house work because we have had several things to do this week. We went to our first birthing class and we had dinner with some friends and met their sweet new baby girl, Abigail. However, things are going to have to pick back up this weekend because we have decided to take my maternity pictures in our house on January 30th, which means everything needs to be finished by then! It will be so nice to have things kinda complete though and it is always nice to have a deadline because it gives your a reason to get the work done (like the baby wasn't deadline enough?).

The birthing class was very interesting. We were surprised to find that many of the people in the class are our age or older. The first part was very interesting where we learned some terms of labor and the first stage. Even though I knew most of the information I think it is good for Jeremy to learn it and it reassures me when things start happening not to freak out that it is normal! The second part was breathing and relaxation techniques. Jeremy fell asleep during this part (I guess he was relaxed)! All in all I feel like this is a good experience. We go back every Tuesday through the first week of February.

I am finally starting to get some good rest! For some reason my hips are not hurting me as badly at nights (although I do still have some rough nights). The baby is very active and I continue to grow! Jeremy and I have, for now, decided on a middle name so we now have a full name! Things are going well and I am taking it easy. Jeremy actually told me the other day that he thinks baby and I should take more naps during the day ...and who am I to argue?

I have not updated you about the dogs recently. They are spoiled rotten and love to take naps with me (see picture below). I feel like Coby is very aware of the baby in my belly as he will often come up and lick my belly (maybe its all the food that gets dropped on my big belly these days) and he will even rest his head and paws on my belly. Coby and Miley LOVE to play ball and chase, however, Coby will never let Miley have the ball. Miley though has found out how to get her brother back, she now hides all the balls under the couch where she can get to them but Coby cannot. Coby then whines at the couch all day and if I get a ball out Miley runs and steals it and sticks it back under the couch (which she then wags her tail and prances around proudly). Sibling love I guess! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Last year was such an amazing year for Jeremy and I.

The year started out by getting engaged in Vegas.

Meeting my new nephew Sayge.

Getting married.

Cant forget the honeymoon.

Found out we are having another nephew or niece in the family...congrats Dusty and Danielle.

Jason and Cari got married.

2010 was AMAZING!

We are so excited for the many wonderful things we will experience in 2011!

We are starting the year off right with spending some time relaxing together and going on a date. Jeremy is almost finished with the fireplace....he is so close to being done. He has already started on putting on the scratch coat for the bar. We are discussing the option of having someone come in to stone the bar to take some of the stress off of Jeremy and so he can focus on other things. We now have a bassinet for the baby so he can sleep in the room with us while he is little.

We went to the doctor this week and they said the baby looks healthy. My belly has taken a bit of a growth spurt this week. I am starting to figure out the things that I am no longer able to do like make the bed and vacuum using the hand help portion. I am continuing to feel okay and go back to the doctor on January 19th. Jeremy and I start our childbirth classes this week.

Happy New Year to everyone!