Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Really Big News!

JEREMY HAS COMPLETELY FINISHED THE STONE WORK!!!!!!! This makes me happy for several reasons:
1. We have gotten a large portion of our major project done.
2. The mess that was my living/dining room floor is clean, and it actually looks like I have a living/dining room.
3. Jeremy has taken some time to spend with family and friends and watched a movie with me.
4. The dogs are so happy that they can run and play upstairs again!

I am so proud of the hard and incredibly amazing work Jeremy has done. It would not have been possible without his dad/ Alan/ Heff/ Dust/ and Paul who have given their time to help!

This past weekend we went over to Dusty and Danielle's to watch the Steelers game. It wasn't pretty, but it didn't have to be as long as they won. Now this weekend we will def. be tuning in to see if the Steelers will advance to the Superbowl. GO STEELERS!!!

We have so many wonderful things going on this week that I don't know if we will get much accomplished on the house. Tonight we have our childbirth classes, this is our third class, so after tonight we only have two more. Tonight we learn how Jeremy can help me through labor (lets hope he doesn't fall asleep during this one). Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment and will get to hear baby's heartbeat, they say this next appointment is just the normal one but after this next one I will start to go more frequently and they will check to see if the changes are starting to take place for me to go into labor. That means that this baby is getting so close! If everything goes well at the doctors Jeremy will go on a boys weekend with his brothers and dad, while my mom will stay with me and I will get lots of foot rubs, yummy treats, and girly movie nights! Also, this weekend I have scheduled my prenatal massage Jeremy's mom got me (I am so super excited, you can ask Jeremy my favorite thing in the world is massages). I am also going to get several inches cut off my hair this weekend for a more appropriate mommy do.

As I think about this past week I realize that we are so blessed! These next few weeks will continue to be busy ones with getting everything ready for baby boy but filled with excitement and love!

Jeremy placing the last brick!

Final Bar

Final Fireplace

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