So, what I failed to fill you in with on the last post was how I am doing. I did that on purpose! The first part of this past week I was an emotional mess. I cried over everything, and I realized that my crying was ridiculous on many levels. Now, I am at the point where I am just about to go crazy sitting at this house and waiting. I have come to the conclusion that this little monster (no matter what the doctor tells me) is not coming out until someone goes in and pulls him out! We have tried many different labor inducing strategies (all of them safe I assure you). We have walked for an hour at a time, and for several days in a row. We have tried the pineapple theory (eat a whole pineapple and drink pineapple juice) although this was very tasty it was not effective. Also, we have tried the yoga ball and bouncing on it. Nothing has worked (obviously)! As many of you may have heard, I did have some false labor on Thursday. I had some mixed contraction for about 8 hours in a row. I had as many contractions as 8 in one hour, they were neither consistent enough or painful enough to be concerned about, more hopeful that maybe this was going to lead into the real thing. Now, I am doing great and feeling pretty good, minus the going crazy with the waiting!
Jeremy was wonderful on Saturday with getting me out of the house. We drove about 30 mins. up the road to a restaurant to eat and went to the Goodwill and bought some childrens books. Jeremy really wants to get as many Dr. Seuss books as he can find. We also went and got tile for the back splash in the kitchen, which is Jeremy's new project he is working on. Jeremy is off tomorrow and will continue working on that. We also went to dinner with his mom, Dusty, and Danielle. I splurged a little and got an appetizer, meal, and dessert. I must admit though the peanut butter pie was the best part of the whole meal! It is always nice to spend time with family.
And so, the waiting game continues....
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