Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Everyday Life

For Jeremy and I everyday life consist of an on going to do list. Our list never seems to end but always seems to grow. We work daily, weekly, and monthly on this list. So in other words… that is what we have been up to, the every day monotonous chores. We did take a break on Saturday to eat dinner with Jason, Cari, Dustin, Danielle, and Sawyer. We also were able to spend time with some good friends of ours, Nick and Meg, who were in town for the weekend. On Sunday we had a picnic in the park with some of the in-laws (see pictures below). These are the things that make our days together wonderful!

(P.S.- We do spend time with my family as well…..every Friday night is pizza night and every Sunday we gather for lunch. Its so nice having my family next door and Ben will always have a cousin to play with.) I kinda feel like I never mention my wonderful/crazy side of the family!

Ben has been making progress in leaps and bounds! He holds his head up all the time by himself. He has continued to practice rolling over from his belly to his back. Ben has also decided he is going to work on building his muscles to crawl. He is bringing his knees up under him when he is on his tummy. He is “talking” a lot more as well. He is just the cutest little boy ever. I think this weekend we might break out some of the “big boy” toys for him to play in (like his jumping toy and his walker), even though he can’t “use” them I think he will enjoy sitting up in them. He is also getting better about sleeping at night. Jeremy and I have established a cute bedtime routine with him. It starts with us reading him a book and singing There Were Five In The Bed. For those of you who don’t know the song goes a little like this:
There were five in the bed and the little one said
Roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and (we insert mommy, then daddy, coby, and miley) fell out
Until the little one is the only one left and he says “goodnight”
Then we tell everyone in the house goodnight and feed Ben and put him to bed. He has started sleeping by himself in his bed (the one in our room) until his first feeding. This allows Jeremy and I to have a little time together which is a big step for us! We have also gotten Bentley to take a bottle (okay, so this is a stretch). We have tricked him to taking 2 oz from a bottle while he was sleeping. We are just trying to get him to be able to take one bottle a day so that we can go to weddings and occasional dates without having to be back in an hour and a half.

We are very excited that Grandpap, MaryBeth, and Karen Jo are coming to visit over Memorial Day!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Sawyer.

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