So my mommy group had its first official play date the other day. I was so excited to spend some time with some wonderful mommies and their children. The two other children that came were girls. I have to admit, Bentley has way more girl friends than boy friends. We went early morning and put a blanket under a tree to keep cool. The babies talked and played with balls. They even spent a few minutes looking at each other. The mommies talked mommy talk. Bentley fell asleep immediately in the car. I am going to consider this a success! I can’t wait for another play date!!
Bentley is doing really well with sleeping. The other night he slept in his bed from 9-4 and then I put him back at 5-6:30. I believe I have more trouble with this change than Bentley. At night I start getting some anxiety and through out the night I wake up and run in his room to check on him. I have even had a few nightmares about him sleeping in his own room. To be honest, I have started to notice that he sleeps better in his crib than close to me. It makes me sad to know that this part of his life is gone and he has grown up. On another note, Bentley learned how to roll over from his back to his stomach last night in bed. I woke up and check the monitor and there he was on his stomach (we put him down on his back). Panic set in (remember the anxiety I have) I ran in there and rolled him over. I went back to my room and the next thing I know he was back on his stomach. There was a battle for about 10 minutes trying to keep him on his back then I gave up and brought him to bed with me. I was a little disappointed I didn’t see him roll over for the first time. For a long time I have felt like he could roll over but just didn’t want to. Now, I worry if he is going to try and roll over every night and tummy sleep.
There are two things that surprise me as a mommy. The first is I get SOOO excited when I hear of people I know having a baby. I want to tell them everything I know about it and just swoon over them. I even spend some morning watching A Baby Story on TLC. I guess it’s because I now know how magical it is. Second, I never expected to get so excited about poo. That is right, poo. When your child hasn’t gone to the bathroom in a couple of days and finally goes and you know he is going to feel so much better you get a little excited (some may even jump up and down). It is the little things in life……
Feel free to share all of your knowledge with me! :)