Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moving on up....

Let the stress begin….

We put an offer on the house that we have been looking at. It was accepted. Now we need to sell our house, which means a LOT of cleaning needs to be done around here. With me being a stay at home mom, you would think that would be easy, right? No…not so much, since Bentley has been getting his first tooth in he has been fussy. Jeremy is also busy this next weekend, leaving all the work up to me. Please pray that we will get everything accomplished and will be blessed with a new beautiful house.

Like I said before Bentley has been teething. He has been fussy and running a low grade fever. It is neat feeling a tooth. Bentley has also been sleeping with us since he has started teething. He fusses and tosses and turns. He is also crawling everywhere! I guess while cleaning the house we will also be childproofing. I am totally in love! We are starting to wean Bentley. I am still nursing 3 times a day (sometimes more). I have enough milk saved up for a while, but have started introducing formula to him (which he throws up). We are doing this process slowly, I am both sad and excited for the change.

The big news here is the earthquake. We had the biggest earthquake in VA in a long time. I told my parents a week or so ago that I felt my house shake in the middle of the night, both dogs and I woke suddenly to this moving. Nobody else felt this shaking, so I chalked it up to me being crazy or a dream. This time I was napping on the couch with Bentley in my arms. I suddenly felt the house shake and lifted my head to see my dog jump up. I heard rattling and the house shaking back and forth. I immediately knew what it was because you could feel it was the whole ground shaking not just the house. I was not scared, or freaked out. I didn’t jump up and run outside (I had a sleeping baby in my arms)! I called my dad to see if he felt it next door and to confirm my suspicions.

This past weekend we went to a beautiful wedding. We love seeing the Marks side of the family. Bentley really likes seeing all the girls!

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