Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Sorry I have been computer crashed, so I have been using Jeremy's computer, which never stays connected to the internet for long.

Things have been good here (minus the computer crash). We enjoyed our first Halloween with Bentley and being parents. It makes the holidays so much more special when your a parent (I cannot wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas). Bentley dressed up in a monkey costume, and really seemed to enjoy being dressed up. He didn't fight the hood or outfit at all. We went to school to visit Yvonne and stopped by some family members houses before landing in our neighborhood at my parents house and our house. We had dinner with my family and then Joe, Yvonne, Dusty,Danielle, and Sawyer came over. It was the perfect day (Jeremy had also taken the whole day off to hang out with us).

Bentley is such a fast crawler and a curious little boy. You can see his mind working as he plays and I enjoy watching him. He loves to climb over and under things. He even pushes toys around so he can climb on them to get where he wants to go. He has also started pointing his hand in the directions of things he wants trying to communicate with us. When he wants something his arm goes up by his head, in the direction of what he wants, and he makes grabbing motions with his hand (it is really cute). I cannot believe he is 8 months old! Shew, time flies when you are having fun.

I a taking a cake decorating class for the next month, every Monday for 2 hours in the evening. Just a way for me to get out of the house since I am home all day, and I would love to be able to make some neat cakes for Bentley on his birthday!

Jeremy's Grandpap is moving down from Pittsburgh either today or tomorrow. I must say the family is excited that he will be around and we will get to see him more often! I really think he will enjoy spending time with Bentley and Sawyer. We are so blessed that he will be around more often!

Well...looks like I better go chase Ben around the house...he is trying to give the dogs a treat right now!

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