Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Keeping Me Grounded

I am having a struggle between taking my child out places during the day and staying at home. There are positives to both sides. It is nice to be out and grocery shop or just shop in general. If we are at home Bentley gets to have tummy time and build his muscles. There is a fine line between getting things done and ignoring your child in the process. I tend to find myself playing with my child and my house and chores just don’t get done (so what if I have a messy house, at least I have a happy/healthy baby, right?). I will find a balance soon.

I have also found that since I have been home I think about all these really nice things that I would like to have. For example, the other day I found a beautiful home in our town and decided it was my dream home, or the dog I found in our town (chocolate lab for FREE). Jeremy put a stop to both things (and rightfully so as both are very unrealistic). I am glad someone in this relationship is sensible. However, I feel the need to buy something…anything. (This is what happens when I am at home all day!)

On Bentley news….he now giggles and it is so adorable! He is sleeping in 5 hour chunks (or more) most nights. He has such a big personality and makes us laugh every day. Everyone seems to think he is a miniature Jeremy, which I am glad.

Here are some pictures from our stop at the New River Gorge on our way home from Pittsburgh:

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