Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank You Mom and Dad

Let me start off with...I am so happy it is Friday and Jeremy comes home today! Jeremy left on Sunday to go to Minneapolis for work. I think it is kinda funny that they send the two guys who have a pregnant wife off for a week (maybe they think they need a break from us?). I am, however, really lucky to have my parents next door when I need them. This week I spent a lot of time over there...especially because they were feeding me! They cooked me dinner every night, and sometimes lunch too. My parents fixed me a breakfast dinner one night, which is my favorite. My mom came to my house at nights and kept me company, which is super helpful because I don't have to keep the dogs locked up! Even though Jeremy was not here it turned out to be a pretty good week and I realize how thankful I should be to have my parents next door to me!

On the baby side of things, not much has changed. There are some days I feel the baby move more than others. Night time from around 8-10 seem to be the babies most active time. I cannot wait for Jeremy to get home and try and feel the baby move for the first time!

Next weekend is Jason and Cari's wedding. We are all so excited for them and really excited that we get to see family again. I think Jeremy is most excited that his Grandpap will be down for the wedding. I can't wait for all the fun to begin! :) 

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