Sunday, January 2, 2011


Last year was such an amazing year for Jeremy and I.

The year started out by getting engaged in Vegas.

Meeting my new nephew Sayge.

Getting married.

Cant forget the honeymoon.

Found out we are having another nephew or niece in the family...congrats Dusty and Danielle.

Jason and Cari got married.

2010 was AMAZING!

We are so excited for the many wonderful things we will experience in 2011!

We are starting the year off right with spending some time relaxing together and going on a date. Jeremy is almost finished with the fireplace....he is so close to being done. He has already started on putting on the scratch coat for the bar. We are discussing the option of having someone come in to stone the bar to take some of the stress off of Jeremy and so he can focus on other things. We now have a bassinet for the baby so he can sleep in the room with us while he is little.

We went to the doctor this week and they said the baby looks healthy. My belly has taken a bit of a growth spurt this week. I am starting to figure out the things that I am no longer able to do like make the bed and vacuum using the hand help portion. I am continuing to feel okay and go back to the doctor on January 19th. Jeremy and I start our childbirth classes this week.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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